SpaceKnow Platform Documentation

This documentation is intended for software engineers. Visit SpaceKnow website for more general information. It is advised to use our web application, which is built on top of SpaceKnow APIs and supports all major features, unless you need low level access through HTTP APIs.

SpaceKnow platform often internally uses and produces SpaceKnow Image (SKI) which is SpaceKnow designed raster data file format with major differences against GeoTIFF:

  • per band metadata in a single file

  • per band masks in a single file

  • bands in single file can have different resolution

  • bands in single file can have different data types


SpaceKnow platform allows users to connect by HTTP APIs. Overview of each API and documentation can be found in the following chapters.


  • See Authorization to learn how to make authorized requests against SpaceKnow APIs.

  • Find out how API errors are handled.

  • APIs that are processing longer tasks are asynchronous.

  • Many APIs accept extent which is constrained GeoJSON.

  • API response headers might contain additional information.

  • APIs that are returning big number of items are paginated.

  • Some APIs require area allocation, see Credits API.

  • Try all APIs free of charge in a sample area, see Free Area.

  • See Datacube API for data-point time-series, macro-indices and various economic and activity indicators.

Versions and Changes

All SpaceKnow products are versioned with a number increasing every week. HTTP APIs, CLIs and the platform are upgraded on weekly basis. Please follow SpaceKnow platform changelog to get the newest information about API changes, new features, deprecation notices and so on.

Secure Communication

See our secure communication page whenever you need to send us potentially sensitive data.

Table of Contents