.. generated by doc/sphinx/Makefile, do not edit .. _changelog: ********** Changelog ********** SpaceKnow Backend Release 434 ============================= Released on 2024-04-15. List of changes since release 432 follows. Highlights ---------- * Visu-geotiff and png visualization were updated for ``maxar`` ``ortho_4ps``. It should look visually better and handle snowy and dark areas better. Deprecation Notices ------------------- * ``/credits/get-remaining-credit`` and ``/credits/get-credits-tier`` endpoints are now deprecated. Use ``/credits/user/get`` endpoint instead. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/credits/user/get`` endpoint was added. Replaces ``/credits/get-remaining-credit``and ``/credits/get-credits-tier`` see ``api.credits.user.get``. * ``/credits/preallocation/check-credits`` is now available to check how many credits will given tasking cost. * Renamed ``/kraken/map-types/list`` endpoint to ``/kraken/map-types``. Changed ``deprecatedClasses`` on each row of response from ``/kraken/map-types`` from list of strings to mapping from class names to colors. SpaceKnow Backend Release 432 ============================= Released on 2024-04-04. List of changes since release 431 follows. Highlights ---------- * Visualization GeoTIFF and PNG were updated for ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S2*`` datasets, ``maxar`` ``ard*`` datasets, ``ab`` datasets and ``pl`` datasets. It is now visually more consistent and it handles snowy and dark areas. REST API Changes ---------------- * Endpoint ``imagery/datasets/list`` now returns more detailed ``datasetType``. See documentation api.ragnar.datasets_endpoint for details. SpaceKnow Backend Release 431 ============================= Released on 2024-03-26. List of changes since release 429 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``imagery/search`` now returns ``minArea`` property for scenes that need minimum requested area. * Simplified scene footprint are now proper minimum rotated rectangles of original footprints in scene coverage results. SpaceKnow Backend Release 429 ============================= Released on 2024-03-14. List of changes since release 428 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/credits/area/check-geojson``, ``/credits/area/allocate-geojson``, ``/kraken/dry-run/initiate`` and ``/kraken/release/initiate`` endpoints had ``clippedImagery`` parameter removed as it is now determined automatically if clipped imagery should be used. SpaceKnow Backend Release 425 ============================= Released on 2024-02-16. List of changes since release 424 follows. Highlights ---------- * ``PEGASUS_AIRCRAFT_RGB_TOA`` and ``PEGASUS_MARITIME_RGB`` were updated to the newest version. * Airbus datasets were added into Guardian. SpaceKnow Backend Release 424 ============================= Released on 2024-02-09. List of changes since release 423 follows. Highlights ---------- * Dataset ``ab`` ``pleiades-neo`` is connected to platform through provider. Download must be executed on clipped imagery. * Users can now set limit to amount of credits watchdog can use. SpaceKnow Backend Release 422 ============================= Released on 2024-01-22. List of changes since release 420 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Class hierarchies are now available in ``detections.geojson`` output for Pegasus Aircraft algorithm. Each detection has ``parentClasses`` attribute. Other grid files are not affected by the implementation of hierarchies. * ``/kraken/map-types/list`` endpoint now provides info about class hierarchies for map types that implement them. SpaceKnow Backend Release 420 ============================= Released on 2024-01-09. List of changes since release 419 follows. Highlights ---------- * Watchdog can now execute different maptypes over multiple datasets. This is done with the best effort where unfeasible combinations are skipped. SpaceKnow Backend Release 414 ============================= Released on 2023-11-28. List of changes since release 413.1 follows. Highlights ---------- * Capella Sliding Spotlight dataset is now available. * Color classes of segmentation analysis on platform were updated to be more distinct. The same class now has same color across all SpaceKnow analyses. SpaceKnow Backend Release 412 ============================= Released on 2023-11-13. List of changes since release 409 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``kraken/map-types/list`` now returns segmentation colors for segmenation map types. See documentation for more details. SpaceKnow Backend Release 409 ============================= Released on 2023-10-23. List of changes since release 407 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``kraken/grid`` endpoint now serves ``segmentation.png`` for segmentation algorithms. This file contains all segmentation classes for given algorithm. Per class PNG files are still available for now but will be phased out in the future. SpaceKnow Backend Release 405 ============================= Released on 2023-09-27. List of changes since release 403 follows. Highlights ---------- * Imagery from ``capella`` ``stripmap`` and ``spotlight`` datasets can now be ingested on platform. Changes in Deployed Algorithms ------------------------------ * ``wrunctr`` was updated to new version with unified class ``rooftops`` instead of ``rooftops-housing`` and ``rooftops-industrial-other``. * New algorithm ``rooftops-tents`` was added. SpaceKnow Backend Release 397 ============================= Released on 2023-08-02. List of changes since release 394.1 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Format of parameters for ``/api/features/search`` endpoint was changed. All query parameters are now under ``query`` parameter. Old format of parameters is still supported but it will be removed in the future. SpaceKnow Backend Release 391 ============================= Released on 2023-06-22. List of changes since release 390 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * The ``/datacube/product/get`` endpoint has been updated to include an optional ``csvFormat`` parameter. This parameter allows you to specify the desired format for the response: ``simple`` (the old and default format) or ``rich`` (the new format). The ``rich`` format combines both metadata and actual data in a single response, providing all the relevant information with a single API call. This enhancement aims to improve efficiency and convenience by reducing the need for multiple API calls to retrieve the required information. SpaceKnow Backend Release 389 ============================= Released on 2023-06-08. List of changes since release 388 follows. Highlights ---------- * Deprecating ``wrunctr-rgb`` in Guardian environment in favour of ``wrunctr`` SpaceKnow Backend Release 388 ============================= Released on 2023-05-31. List of changes since release 384 follows. Highlights ---------- * ``pl`` ``PSOrthotile`` dataset was removed from platform. Deprecation Notices ------------------- * ``pl`` ``PSOrthoTile`` dataset was deprecated by Planet. No new analysis and search is allowed. Please use ``PSScene4Band`` instead. REST API Changes ---------------- * Endpoint ``/imagery/datasets/list`` now contains datasetType for each dataset, which signifies whether it is SAR or OPTICAL. * Deprecated ``provider`` and ``dataset`` parameters were removed from ``/imagery/search/initiate`` endpoint. Use ``datasets`` parameter instead. * ``mapType`` parameter was removed from ``kraken/release/initiate`` endpoint. Use ``mapTypes`` parameter and supply list of map types instead. SpaceKnow Backend Release 384 ============================= Released on 2023-05-04. List of changes since release 382 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Schema of the credits API endpoint ``/credits/group/list-transactions`` has been reworked. * Schema of the credits API endpoint ``/credits/group/list-allocations`` has been reworked. * Credits API endpoint ``/credits/user/list-allocations`` has been reworked and moved to ``/credits/user/list-transactions``. SpaceKnow Backend Release 380 ============================= Released on 2023-04-04. List of changes since release 379 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Dataset ``NOAA`` ``VIIRS/Daily`` was removed from platform. * Added handling and documentation of incompatible datasets for multi-dataset searches in ``imagery/search/initiate`` endpoint. * Introduced a new endpoint ``/imagery/datasets/list`` which lists available providers and datasets for a given user. SpaceKnow Backend Release 379 ============================= Released on 2023-03-27. List of changes since release 376.1 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/datacube/product-catalogue/get`` endpoint now allows querying only downloadable products in the catalogue by specifying the ``downloadableOnly`` parameter in the request. * ``/credits/group/get`` can now be used by supplying user ID. * ``imagery/search/initiate`` now supports searches over multiple datasets at once. Interface of the endpoint has changed. Currently both old and new interface work. Note that the old single-dataset version of the interface will be removed on 2023-05-01. * ``/credits/payment/new`` and ``/credits/payment/buy-credit`` endpoints were removed as they were not used. SpaceKnow Backend Release 376.1 =============================== Released on 2023-03-08. List of changes since release 376 follows. Highlights ---------- * All kraken imagery and algorithms are now served in 512x512px tiles instead of 256x256px. SpaceKnow Backend Release 376 ============================= Released on 2023-03-06. List of changes since release 374 follows. Highlights ---------- * datasets ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S2`` and ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S2_SR`` were removed. Use their ``HARMONIZED`` variants instead. REST API Changes ---------------- * Credits API endpoint ``/credits/user/list-allocations`` has been removed. * Schema of the credits API endpoint ``/credits/group/list-allocations`` has been reworked. * New API endpoint ``/credits/group/list-transactions`` has been added. * ``kraken/release/initiate`` endpoint now can start analysis for multiple map types when ``mapTypes`` parameter is provided. Old ``mapType`` parameter is now deprecated and will be removed on 2023-04-01. ``kraken/release/retrieve`` returns list of results when ``mapTypes`` parameter was provided to initiate endpoint. * Added ``cutOffByDate`` parameter for the ``/datacube/product-packages/create`` endpoint. SpaceKnow Backend Release 371 ============================= Released on 2023-02-02. List of changes since release 370 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Watchdog has now a state ``RUNNING`` which serves as an indicator of continuous execution. Watchdog can be also stopped by setting the state to ``STOPPED``. * Credit allocation and preallocation endpoints now check whether credit group is expired. * ``tasking/get-status`` endpoint has new optional parameter ``getProgress`` that allows it to report progress of Kraken pipelines. SpaceKnow Backend Release 370 ============================= Released on 2023-01-24. List of changes since release 368 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/credits/group/get`` now returns id, email, name, credit limit and used credits of users inside a group. SpaceKnow Backend Release 368 ============================= Released on 2023-01-10. List of changes since release 365.2 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Setting require_credits=False in watchdog creation now requires special permission. SpaceKnow Backend Release 361 ============================= Released on 2022-11-24. List of changes since release 360 follows. Highlights ---------- * Landsat datasets and algorithms were switched to new C02 variants as previously used C01 variant no longer received new data. All algorithms under the new C02 datasets have resolution of 30m/px. SpaceKnow Backend Release 345 ============================= Released on 2022-08-03. List of changes since release 344 follows. Highlights ---------- * ``idaho-panchromatic``, ``idaho-swir``, ``preview-multispectral``, ``preview-panchromatic``, and ``preview-swir`` datasets are no longer available on platform. * ``MODIS/006/MOD08_M3`` and ``MODIS/006/MYD08_M3`` datasets are no longer available on platform. SpaceKnow Backend Release 336 ============================= Released on 2022-05-30. List of changes since release 335 follows. Highlights ---------- * Detection regions for multiclass segmentations are now supported by backend. SpaceKnow Backend Release 335 ============================= Released on 2022-05-23. List of changes since release 333 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/datacube/product-catalogue/get`` now serves sales info about product columns. * Column name ``level-change-std`` in sales info CSV was changed to ``value_type``. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``ragnar-filter.py`` now has flag ``--skip-incomplete`` that does not include currently running period when aggregating scenes by period. SpaceKnow Backend Release 332 ============================= Released on 2022-05-03. List of changes since release 331 follows. Highlights ---------- * Imagery for ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED`` dataset is now available on the platform. Deprecation Notices ------------------- * Old deprecated Kraken release endpoints were removed. REST API Changes ---------------- * Added Private Executable Workflows API to start or resume ONG workflows. * New ``watchdog/list-last-updates`` endpoint is now available. The endpoint lists last update for each Watchdog delivery owned by given user. * ``kraken/grid`` endpoint now has new query parameter ``user_threshold`` that allows custom thresholding of returned data. It currently only supports ``metadata.json`` and PNG grid files for pixel index map types. * Old deprecated Kraken release endpoints were removed. SpaceKnow Backend Release 328 ============================= Released on 2022-04-07. List of changes since release 327 follows. Deprecation Notices ------------------- * ``/kraken/release//geojson/[initiate|retrieve]`` endpoints were changed to ``/kraken/release/[initiate|retrieve]``. ``initiate`` endpoint now expects ``mapType`` in request data. Also ``sceneIds`` is now common request data parameter for all map types. Old endpoints now work in parallel to the new ones but will be removed once frontend completes the migration. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``/kraken/release//geojson/[initiate|retrieve]`` endpoints were changed to ``/kraken/release/[initiate|retrieve]``. ``initiate`` endpoint now expects ``mapType`` in request data. Also ``sceneIds`` is now common request data parameter for all map types. Old endpoints now work in parallel to the new ones but will be removed once frontend completes the migration. * New ``/perpendicular-baselines`` endpoint was added for Ragnar API. The endpoint retrieves perpendicular baselines for S1 SLC scenes. SpaceKnow Backend Release 326 ============================= Released on 2022-03-24. List of changes since release 325.3 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Limit for Ragnar raster export was increased to 1.5GPx. SpaceKnow Backend Release 325.3 =============================== Released on 2022-03-17. List of changes since release 325 follows. Highlights ---------- * Adds new Planet datasets ``PSScene_analytic_sr`` and ``PSScene_analytic_sr_tile``. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``watchdog/get`` endpoint was introduced. * ``watchdog/statuses/create`` and ``watchdog/reports/create`` internal endpoints were introduced. * ``/watchdog/status`` endpoint was replaced with ``/watchdog/statuses/list``. ``/watchdog/reports`` was replaced with ``/watchdog/reports/list``. The old endpoints work for now but will be removed with next release. SpaceKnow Backend Release 325 ============================= Released on 2022-03-14. List of changes since release 322 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Ragnar API ``/imagery/thumbnail/`` endpoint now supports thumbnails for ``maxar`` ``ard_clipped`` dataset. * ``/kraken/nwise`` now fails with error code 424 (``SCENES-WITH-SAME-DATETIME``) if one tries to group scenes that contain duplicate datetimes. SpaceKnow Backend Release 322 ============================= Released on 2022-02-21. List of changes since release 319 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Added watchdog/reports endpoint to list reports from the recent Watchdog delivery runs. * ``/tasking/get-status`` endpoint calls now must be authenticated the same way as is done in rest of our endpoints. Only endpoint that does not require authentication is ``/kraken/grid/`` - this endpoint uses signed JWT token in its path therefore no authentification is needed. SpaceKnow Backend Release 319 ============================= Released on 2022-02-02. List of changes since release 318 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * New ``ragnar/weather/precipitation`` endpoint for getting precipitation data was added. SpaceKnow Backend Release 318 ============================= Released on 2022-01-25. List of changes since release 316 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * New ``/datacube/product/sales-info/get`` endpoint for retrieving information about datacube products was added. SpaceKnow Backend Release 315 ============================= Released on 2022-01-04. List of changes since release 313 follows. Highlights ---------- * New ``Planet`` dataset ``PSScene`` with 8-band imagery was added. SpaceKnow Backend Release 309 ============================= Released on 2021-11-23. List of changes since release 308 follows. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``kraken-download.py`` has new optional parameter ``--timeout-hours`` which allows to set custom timeout. This is particularly useful for long running pipelines such as downloads that first need to order the imagery from provider. SpaceKnow Backend Release 307 ============================= Released on 2021-11-10. List of changes since release 303 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * New N-wise cumulated YoY grouping is available in ``kraken/nwise`` API. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``remove-scene.py`` accepts ``--only-imagery`` flag that removes phoenix imagery but not scene from MongoDb SpaceKnow Backend Release 300 ============================= Released on 2021-09-21. List of changes since release 299 follows. Highlights ---------- * ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S2_SR`` dataset was connected to platform. It is surface reflectance version of ``COPERNICUS/S2`` dataset. SpaceKnow Backend Release 296 ============================= Released on 2021-08-24. List of changes since release 295.1 follows. Highlights ---------- * New ``sliceNumber`` metadatum was added to metadata of ``ee`` ``COPERNICUS/S1_GRD`` and ``esa`` ``COPERNICUS/S1_SLC`` datasets. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``slice-number`` filter was added to ``ragnar-filter.py``. SpaceKnow Backend Release 295.1 =============================== Released on 2021-08-20. List of changes since release 295 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * ``none`` periodicity was added to Kraken Pairwise API. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``none`` periodicity was added to ``kraken-pairwise-records.py``. SpaceKnow Backend Release 295 ============================= Released on 2021-08-16. List of changes since release 293 follows. REST API Changes ---------------- * Flag ``only-unordered`` was removed from ragnar-search.py and flag ``only_unordered`` from ragnar search API. SpaceKnow Backend Release 270 ============================= Released on 2021-02-22. List of changes since release 268 follows. CLI Tool Changes ---------------- * ``ragnar-filter.py`` has new ``deduplicate-datetimes`` filter that ensures that there is only one scene with same datetime per scenetile.